Searching for books is easier than ever!
Now you can search our church library from the comfort of your own home! Simply click on the link below to be connected to a catalogue of our church library books! We add books to the catalogue weekly, so please check back often!
Our library is open anytime the church doors are unlocked. The library is located down the hall, across from the main office. Click here to see church/library hours! You will be able to search our online catalogue on your computer or mobile device and then check out your book in person at the church. Directions for how to check out books is below and will be posted in the library!
To request a book that you can pick up at Sunday’s church service, e-mail the Library Lady, Deborah Blackman at Requests received by Friday at noon, will be available on Sunday.
In this area you will be able to see a link to the UWF (United Women in Faith) book selections for 2022. These books are located in our church library. Questions can be directed to Carol Coleman (UWF Officer, Program Resources & Reading Program). Please check back!
1.Take the card from the inside pocket of the book. 2. Write today’s date, your name, and phone number on the next available line. 3.Place the card in the basket on the library cabinet. When you return a book, put it in the top drawer marked “Returned books”. The librarian will re-shelve it. For UMW (United Methodist Women) books in the shelves next to the window. Same procedure as above except put the card in the plastic container on the top shelf. When you return it, pull the card, put it back in the book, and leave the book on the top shelf. The library staff will re-shelve it. We will post check out instructions in the library as well.
We will be featuring a monthly book review! Please check back to see what books are suggested and reviewed!
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